Look to the start to correct your delivery errors
I spent last Friday watching 7.5 hours of discus at the Mt SAC Relays in the 90 degree sun.
A curious thing struck me while seeing throwers and their coaches communicating to each other from the stands and the infield with arm, hand and body gyrations and a few short words.
Usually they were showing how the left shoulder was pulling down and away during delivery.
Sometimes the coach’s upper body would jack knife forward indicating an upper body throw.
Then they would stop and push their right hip ahead of the shoulder indicating the correct delivery.
Occasionally the thrower would indicate a scooping motion with the arm.
But… They were all focused on the delivery of the discus.
No one focused on the start at the back of the circle!

The start is where the errors are generated.
Fix the back and the delivery will be correct.
Pulling away on delivery is the result of being off balance to the left at the back of the circle, NOT fighting too hard at the front with the left arm.
It’s a natural consequence, you can’t avoid it.
If you are ON BALANCE at the back it will be very difficult if not impossible to deliver incorrectly.
If you are OFF BALANCE at the back it will be very difficult if not impossible to deliver correctly.
What you do at the Back
of the circle
of the circle
you MUST Repeat at the Front
Eliminate the Root Cause of the Problem
at the back of the circle.